3,942 research outputs found

    Conociendo la FAFI: Cine-Debate y orientación vocacional en mi barrio. Dinámica de grupo-Técnicas audiovisuales

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    La percepción sobre la vida universitaria y la posibilidad de incursionar en ella, que tienen los adolescentes durante la formación secundaria, generalmente está distorsionada por las dudas propias en esta etapa de la vida en la elección de una futura profesión, como también la escasa información que reciben sobre las carreras que  ofrece la universidad en su comunidad, valorizando la distancia y facilidad, en tiempo y área de accesibilidad. El primer paso del proceso de orientación vocacional es la elección realista con respecto al contexto socio-económico y al potencial individual que permitan al joven alcanzar su meta de insertarse exitosamente en el ámbito universitario. Con esta finalidad fue desarrollado el trabajo de extensión universitaria en el Barrio San Juan, donde está asentado el Campus de la Universidad Nacional del Este (UNE) ya que en esta área geográfica se encuentran ubicados 8 (ocho) colegios públicos, con una cantidad aproximada de 2.000 alumnos en el nivel secundario, quienes al finalizar esta etapa estudiantil pierden posibilidades y muchos de los jóvenes de la zona, no optarán por seguir formándose en el nivel universitario, ante la indecisión vocacional, la apatía y la necesidad de trabajar. En este barrio distrito de Ciudad de Este-Paraguay, residen familias del estrato socioeconómico bajo, donde los respectivos adultos referentes poseen escasos años de escolarización con lo cual aumentan las probabilidades de que sus hijos e hijas abandonen definitivamente sus estudios al finalizar la educación media. Los factores citados orientaron esta actividad a estrategias institucionales de atracción para dicha población al interior de una de las unidades académicas, la Facultad de Filosofía. Esta propuesta de trabajo consistió en la proyección semanal de películas motivadoras durante los meses de Agosto a Noviembre del 2011, complementadas con debates, informaciones y visitas guiadas a los espacios que ofrece la facultad (biblioteca, aulas, comedor, sala de máquinas, etc.), dirigidas especialmente a la población objetivo: alumnos del tercer curso-nivel medio de los colegios San Juan, Roberto L. Petit, Soldado Paraguayo, Roa Basto, Pedro Moliner, Adela Sperati  y Liceo Guaraní. La población fue de 500 jóvenes, 50 alumnos por sesión de cada institución, quienes participaron activamente de todo el proceso, dando como resultado que el 30% de estos beneficiarios (150 sujetos), iniciaron el primer curso selectivo del año 2012, en las diferentes carreras que ofrece la F.A.F.I. Otro resultado significativo fue el espacio de reflexión crítica sobre la realidad social de la comunidad y la realidad actual, prospectiva de cada uno de ello

    Paper-based chromatic toxicity bioassay by analysis of bacterial ferricyanide reduction

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    Water quality assessment requires a continuous and strict analysis of samples to guarantee compliance with established standards. Nowadays, the increasing number of pollutants and their synergistic effects lead to the development general toxicity bioassays capable to analyse water pollution as a whole. Current general toxicity methods, e.g. Microtox®, rely on long operation protocols, the use of complex and expensive instrumentation and sample pre-treatment, which should be transported to the laboratory for analysis. These requirements delay sample analysis and hence, the response to avoid an environmental catastrophe. In an attempt to solve it, a fast (15 min) and low-cost toxicity bioassay based on the chromatic changes associated to bacterial ferricyanide reduction is here presented. E. coli cells (used as model bacteria) were stably trapped on low-cost paper matrices (cellulose-based paper discs, PDs) and remained viable for long times (1 month at -20 °C). Apart from bacterial carrier, paper matrices also acted as a fluidic element, allowing fluid management without the need of external pumps. Bioassay evaluation was performed using copper as model toxic agent. Chromatic changes associated to bacterial ferricyanide reduction were determined by three different transduction methods, i.e. (i) optical reflectometry (as reference method), (ii) image analysis and (iii) visual inspection. In all cases, bioassay results (in terms of half maximal effective concentrations, EC50) were in agreement with already reported data, confirming the good performance of the bioassay. The validation of the bioassay was performed by analysis of real samples from natural sources, which were analysed and compared with a reference method (i.e. Microtox). Obtained results showed agreement for about 70% of toxic samples and 80% of non-toxic samples, which may validate the use of this simple and quick protocol in the determination of general toxicity. The minimum instrumentation requirements and the simplicity of the bioassay open the possibility of in-situ water toxicity assessment with a fast and low-cost protocolPostprint (author's final draft

    High intensity interval training exercise-induced physiological changes and their potential influence on metabolic syndrome clinical biomarkers: a meta-analysis

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    Abstract: Background: Despite the current debate about the effects of high intensity interval training (HIIT), HIIT elicits big morpho-physiological benefit on Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) treatment. However, no review or meta-analysis has compared the effects of HIIT to non-exercising controls in MetS variables. The aim of this study was to determine through a systematic review, the effectiveness of HIIT on MetS clinical variables in adults. Methods: Studies had to be randomised controlled trials, lasting at least 3 weeks, and compare the effects of HIIT on at least one of the MetS clinical variables [fasting blood glucose (BG), high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C) triglyceride (TG), systolic (SBP) or diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and waist circumference (WC)] compared to a control group. The methodological quality of the studies selected was evaluated using the PEDro scale. Results: Ten articles fulfilled the selection criteria, with a mean quality score on the PEDro scale of 6.7. Compared with controls, HIIT groups showed significant and relevant reductions in BG (− 0.11 mmol/L), SBP (− 4.44 mmHg), DBP (− 3.60 mmHg), and WC (− 2.26 cm). Otherwise, a slight increase was observed in HDL-C (+ 0.02 mmol/L). HIIT did not produce any significant changes in TG (− 1.29 mmol/L). Conclusions: HIIT improves certain clinical aspects in people with MetS (BG, SBP, DBP and WC) compared to people with MetS who do not perform physical exercise. Plausible physiological changes of HIIT interventions might be related with large skeletal muscle mass implication, improvements in the vasomotor control, better baroreflex control, reduction of the total peripheral resistance, increases in excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, and changes in appetite and satiety mechanisms

    Bacteriological and Immunological Profiling of Meconium and Fecal Samples from Preterm Infants : A Two-Year Follow-Up Study

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    An abnormal colonization pattern of the preterm gut may affect immune maturation and exert a long-term influence on the intestinal bacterial composition and host health. However, follow-up studies assessing the evolution of the fecal microbiota of infants that were born preterm are very scarce. In this work, the bacterial compositions of fecal samples, obtained from sixteen 2-year-old infants were evaluated using a phylogenetic microarray; subsequently, the results were compared with those obtained in a previous study from samples of meconium and feces collected from the same infants while they stayed in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). In parallel, the concentration of a wide range of cytokines, chemokines, growth factors and immunoglobulins were determined in meconium and fecal samples. Globally, a higher bacterial diversity and a lower interindividual variability were observed in 2-year-olds' feces, when compared to the samples obtained during their first days of life. Hospital-associated fecal bacteria, that were dominant during the NICU stay, seemed to be replaced, two years later, by genera, which are usually predominant in the healthy adult microbiome. The immune profile of the meconium and fecal samples differed, depending on the sampling time, showing different immune maturation statuses of the gut.Peer reviewe

    Tratamiento radioterápico del cáncer mama: estándares y nuevas tendencias. Irradiación parcial acelerada de la mama

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    Radiotherapy as a part of the breast cancer treatment has evolved in the last decades. Post-mastectomy radiotherapy produces a substantial reduction in the risk of local recurrence as well as a moderate, but definitive reduction in long-term breast cancer mortality in women at high risk of locoregional failure. Whole-breast irradiation, as part of breast-conservation therapy, has well-established results with good cosmesis, and low toxicity. Results from the BCT trials suggest that the risk for ipsilateral breast cancer recurrence resides within close proximity to the original tumor site. This has led investigators to consider the role of an accelerated and more tumor bed-focused course of radiotherapy. Accelerated partial-breast irradiation (APBI) is a collection of radiotherapy techniques that deliver higher daily doses of radiation to the surgical cavity with margin over a shorter time than whole breast irradiation (from 6-6.5 weeks to 1 week). Early results of this approach have demonstrated excellent local control, minimal acute toxicity, and are more convenient for the patient. Phase III randomized clinical trials are currently underway to assess local control, acute and chronic toxicities. APBI extend the choise of breast conservatio